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Water pump pliers 419mm ">
Water pump pliers 419mm
Water pump pliers 419mm
Water pump pliers 419mm Description Channellock uses high C1080 steel for best performance at work, and ultimate rust-proof coating. The jaws are made such that small objects are no problem. The...

Item number

T2g-C 460KP

€ 83,05 *
€ 45,02 *

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Water pump pliers 419mm
Channellock uses high C1080 steel for best performance at work, and ultimate rust-proof coating. The jaws are made such that small objects are no problem. The sharp teeth have a special surface, which allows the pelvis to handle the forces better. The grooves are slanted slanted, making adjustments very easy. By using the pliers of Permalock connection, the forceps handle the forces better and lasts forever. The patented reinforcement rib makes the waterpump extra strong at the place where the largest power transmission takes place.
Length: 419mm
Height: 65mm
Thickness: 15mm
Weight: 1424 grams

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